Are you tired of the 6 am to 8 pm daily grind? We are! Our goal? Buy nothing, sell everything (as realistically as possible, right?) and retire in 12 years or less. We adopted minimalism in late 2014 and paid off $60,000 worth of debt in 2016! Anything is possible!

Friday, December 19, 2014

Facebook Sabbatical

I deactivated my facebook account. It is funny because everyone talks about doing it. Nearly everyone talks about how much a distraction facebook is and how much time they waste on there. But nobody really does anything about it. And I wonder why...

There are obvious reasons. It connects us socially. It plugs us into what is currently going on in the world, with our friends and family. Unfortunately we are not protected from the negative. We are exposed to everything. It is ALL streaming at us full tilt. Much like a scream-world roller coaster ride and we can't slow it down or tell the car where to go. We have no control over what pops up on our news feed. There's no filter in place to keep us from falling into a bad mood over something we just read.  And to top it all off. We are addicted to it. No one really wants to talk about it. Or maybe they are just so sidetracked from all of the information coming at them streaming live 24 hours a day, they can't even stop to take a breath and see what is happening. 

A few weeks ago, I went to a weekend retreat. A place that is off grid and unaffected by Internet completely. No cell phones, no tv and no internet. I will admit I had withdrawals the first 24 hours. It was exactly what I needed to unplug and I loved it. I loved being free and plugged into real life and nature around me. I intend to go back as often as I can. 

Before I went, I discovered minimalism and I had a few weeks to learn and read about it and absorb some of the info before I went on my trip. The trip then served as a place to really asses what I want in life and that I really do want to practice more of the ideas around minimalism. It reinforced that for me in a big way. Especially since I could see how comfortable I was with only what was in my suitcase and nothing more. I didn't miss any of the items back at my house. I missed the people I left behind but none of the items. 

It is close to the end of the year and many people tend to write new year resolutions. But I'm prepared to write how my life is already different now and what I have to look forward to for the rest of my life. Not on a year to year basis. I also believe in "putting things into the universe" so to speak. Much of what I put out there comes back to me or comes true. Much of what we say is also contractual. 

Life change #1
No more gadgets. No more cheap plastic toys, gadgets, shabby chic decorations. No more kitchen tools.  Honestly none of this stuff really serves me and creates more clutter in my home. 

Life change #2
Become happily stingy. Before I felt saving money was more of a punishment. For the first time ever, I see that it is simply about value exchange. I can spend money on the cheap crappy stuff that bring me NO joy in the long run or I can spend it on the things I really want in life. 

Life change #3 
Rediscovering what I really REALLY want. I think this is the biggest transition in my life. There came a day when I realized that all the little stuff I was bringing into my life was not only spending money and not only cluttering my home but also DISTRACTING me from I really want do in life. 

Life change #4
No more distracting side projects. I tend to decide to do small side projects that cost money just for the sake of because I can. Not because I want to. Earlier in the year, I overspent money on items to make balms and salves but realized recently, it is costly and it is not something that is a "dream" of mine. All the empty jars and ingredients are still sitting in my cupboard. I am honestly better off buying from someone else that enjoys it as a passion.

Life change #5
I don't have to do, make, buy EVERYTHING. Buy from others who are already doing it with a passion. I don't have to make jewelry, I can buy from someone who already has a love for this. I don't have to make candles, either do without or buy from a beekeeper, I don't have to keep bees, I don't have to save the forest and plant trees all over my property. I don't have to do anything at all. 

Life change #6
Stop farming. This is tough for me. But I'm ready to reduce our farming load a LOT. I think I will raise two pigs a year, a few pet goats and work down to no sheep. And no more breeding animals. I'm done with that. It was fun trying it and I love it but it is costly, stressful and distracts us from our very long term goals. 

Life change #7
Write more. This brings me back to facebook. I used to both and read a lot before facebook. Before MySpace and all the other social media distractions. I think it is time for me to reconnect closer to home with my loved ones, and most of all with my creative side. 

Short term goal #1 
I'm not ready to completely give up the Internet so for the next few weeks, I am going to use the Internet is a very purposeful way. Only for paying bills and reading inspiring articles on minimalism and saving money. 

I want to maintain that "off grid" enjoyment for a little bit longer. Give myself a chance to self reflect and think about where I want to go in life, who I want to spend time and what creative outlets I want to open back up. 

I looking forward to the journey. Probably for the first time in a long time. 

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