Are you tired of the 6 am to 8 pm daily grind? We are! Our goal? Buy nothing, sell everything (as realistically as possible, right?) and retire in 12 years or less. We adopted minimalism in late 2014 and paid off $60,000 worth of debt in 2016! Anything is possible!

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Challenge Everything

Inspired by this article: Challenge Everything

Everyday new opportunities crop up for new things to buy. For example, today I opened the last container of formula and my rule of thumb is buy more when down to our last one. $92 more to spend. I could challenge this. Go to a cheap lower quality formula?  Force the discomfort of nursing full time?  There are options. But I think it is important that some areas are left unchallenged. This being one of them.

But and a big resounding but. I can make do with the current bottles I have. I really want to replace them with glass and better nipples. And I still might once we have an income flow. But the challenge is that we can actually make do with the ones we have.

I also realized today that as much as I want to switch to organic compost able diapers - I can't for now. It will cost three times as much than Huggies. So that will need to wait.....

We could also stopped the following:

Cable - $75
Netflix - $9
Cell Phone - $160

It doesn't seem like much but by the end of the year it is almost three grand. Three grand would be enough to sustain a few families annually in Guatemala.....   Heck, I would rather have three grand in both my daughters’ college savings. And thus the imbalance of our daily choices. And maybe why we never really fully reach wealth. Because we don't ever really truly challenge ourselves.  We don't really ever say, instead of paying it here, let's pay it over here or not paying at all.

I will be reading the blog above for a while. The guy now has a net worth of half a million and his goal is to be part of the millionaire club. He didn't get there by justify everything he ever bought. He challenged it. And I know from experience that challenging old behaviors, even spending behaviors can be downright painful. But this is important to note…. It is through pain that we grow and become better and smarter. Nothing worth striving for in our lives didn't have some discomfort involved. And it is in overcoming that discomfort that we end up where we want to be.

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